Aspen is as elegantly minimalistic as it gets. This pair of earring co..
If you are looking for a conventionally perfect pair of earrings, Morn..
Prominent oval gemstones accentuated by petal bezelled bright halo- Au..
Opulent Ovals makes the minimalist design look elegant as the gemstone..
Simplify of designed is elevated to a celebration of exuberance by Dew..
Cushion cut facetted gemstone packed with dazzling halo- a classic siz..
Bright finely cut halo that encircle a deep cushion - a classic design..
Majestic teardrops surrounded by a bright halo make Aurora an ever-cha..
If you want a simple pair of earrings, Delicate Drops should fulfil yo..
Square Sparkle keeps it simple but classy with a radiant gem on each s..
A solid frame with plenty of character encircling a bright facetted ge..
Radiant and effervescent, Angelica comes with a large, perfectly cut c..
One of the most conventionally classy pair of earrings you can get, Da..